Monday, March 21, 2022

The Boarded Window by Ambrose Bierce


Pronunciation: /boar.dihd/
Function in the sentence: Past simple and past participle of verb board
Meaning leaned: A thin flat piece of cut wood or other hard material ,often used a particular purpose.
Original sentence: "The window was boarded up."

1. He is already boarded a plane back to the US.
2. In the holidays ,I boardedwith a family in suffolk.


Pronunciation: /un.keyend/
Function in the sentence:Adjective
Meaning unkind:Not treating someone very well not considering someone's feeling.
Original sentence: "Surely it is unking not to cry for the dead."

1. It was a bit unkind of you to mention her weght.
2. That was an unkind thing to say. 


Pronunciation: /shaak/
Function in the sentence: Verb
Meaning shookShocked and upset by on unpleasant experience.
Original sentence:"It was so violent a crash that the whole house shook."

1. I drove home by myself totally shook up.
2. He is still pretty shook up about the whole thing.


Pronunciation: /saed.nihs/
Function in the sentence: Noun
Meaning sadness: The feeling of being unhappy , especially because somethin bad has happened.
Original sentence:"Murlock had no experience in deep sadness."

1. Her eyes expressed deep sadness.
2. I knew that behind her smile was sadness.


Pronunciation: /loy.uhl.tee/
Function in the sentence: Noun
Meaning loyalty:The quality of being , the feelings of suport or duty towards someone or something.
Original sentence:"He had married a joung woman in all ways worthy  of his honestlove and loyalty."

1. His loyalty was never in question.
2. Her loyaltyto the cause is impressive.



 Pronunciation: thrown 

Function in the sentence: Verb (past participle)

Meaning thrown: To make something move through the air by pushing it out of your hand.
Original sentence:“It seemed as if a heavy body was thrown against the table with a force that pushed against his chest.”

1.  I have thrown my food from the plate.
2.  They have thrown our uniform of the school. 


Pronunciation: /kwi·klee/
Function in the sentence: Adverb.
Meaning quickly: Fast or in a short time.
Original sentence:With no definite plan and acting like a madman, Murlock ran quickly to the wall.”

1. He will have arrived quickly at his work.                    
2. She walks quickly to her school.




Function in the sentence: Noun
Meaning consciousness:The state of being awake and being able to think and notice things
Original sentence: When he returned to consciousness the sun was high and the forest was filled with the sounds of singing birds.”


1. My consciousness won't let me quiet.

2. She will talk with the police because her consciousness doesn’t get her sleep.


Pronunciation: /frai·tnd /
Function in the sentence: Adjective
Meaning frightened: Afraid or nervous 
Original sentence:“Where the animal had left it when frightened away by the light and sound of the rifle.”

1. When I look at her, my heart be put frightened.
2. We are frightened by the spiders. 


Pronunciation: /ri·bn/
Function in the sentence: Noun
Meaning ribbon:  A long, narrow piece of cloth that is used for tying things or used for decoration.
Original sentence: The ribbon he had used to tie the wrists was broken”

1. The present has a ribbon red color.
2. Can you buy a ribbon for my soon?


Pronunciation: /ɪnˈsæn.ə.ti/
Function in the sentence: Noun
Meaning insanity: The condition of being seriously mentally ill.
Original sentence:"There is a point at which fear may turn to insanity; and insanity incites to action.

1. He was found not guilty of murder by reason of insanity.
2. He suffered from periodic bouts of insanity.



Pronunciation /rɪst/
Function in the sentence: Noun
Meaning wrist: The of the body between the hand and the arm.
Original sentence:The ribbon he had used to tie the wrists was broken.

1. I sprained my wrist playing tennis.
2. He's chipped a bone in his wrist.


Pronunciation: /ˈtaɪ
Function in the sentence: Adverb
Meaning tightly: Firmly or closely.
Original sentence: "The hands were tightly closed."

 1. Dorothy held her dog tightly so he wouldn't run after them.
2. John help my hand tightly.


Function in the sentence: Adjective
Meaning brigthness: Full of light, shining.
Original sentence:"The flash from the rifle lit the room with a clear brightness. 

1. My room is brigth.
2. A brigth star was shining.


Pronunciation: /θruː

Function in the sentence:  Past simple of throw.        

Meaning throw: To send something through the air with force, especially by a sudden movement of the arm.   

Original sentence: "He threw his hands upon the table. "                 


1. My friend threw the ball black over the fence.

2. She threw herself  into a chair, exhausted.


Pronunciation/ re – main – ing /

Function in the sentence: Adjective
Meaning remainingGerund for the subject of the verb remain.
Original sentence: But among those remaining was a man who had been one of the first people to arrive there.


1. She bought me the remaining shirt from the store.           

2. He has the remaining money.


Pronunciation/ rihng - kuhld /
Function in the sentence: Adjective
Meaning wrinkledTo develop or cause to develop wrinkles.
Original sentence: " His face was wrinkled."


1. My book is wrinkled.

2. The paperboard of the table is wrinkled.


Pronunciation/ feer -luhs /
Function in the sentence: Adjective
Meaning fearlessFree from fear.
Original sentence: "With a fearless spirit I went to the place and got close enough to the ruined cabin to throw a stone against it."


1. I am a fearless man.

2. He claims to be a fearless child.


Pronunciation/ fiver /
Function in the sentence: Noun
Meaning feverA rise in body temperature above the normal.
Original sentence: "He found his wite sick with fever and confution."


1. When she was a child, she got a fever.

2. The fever is a disease.



Pronunciation/ buri - al /
Function in the sentence: Noun
Meaning burial: The act or process of burying.
Original sentence: "I know anly that the body was buried near the cabin , next to the buriel place of his wite."


1. My uncle was burial in the cemetery.

2. In my town there is a burial.



1 comment:

The Ransom of Red Chief

  Thowing Pronunciation :   /throw-uhng/ Function in the sentence :   Noun Meaning leaned : The act of projecting or casting (something) thr...